Sebastião Salgado is a renowned Brazilian photojournalist and documentary photographer with a remarkable career. Born on February 8, 1944, in Aimorés, Brazil, Salgado initially trained as an economist, earning an MA from São Paulo University and a PhD from the University of Paris in economics. It was while working for the World Bank in Africa that he discovered his passion for photography.
Salgado has traveled to over 120 countries during his career, documenting some of the most significant events and moments in history. His work powerfully expresses the suffering of the homeless and downtrodden. He has published several books that showcase his photographic projects which have earned him numerous awards and medals for highlighting human struggle, the environment, and social issues.
His project GENESIS focuses on promoting preservation of natural environments and encourages people to take responsibility for protecting these unique regions. In addition to his photography career, Salgado set up his own photo agency called Amazonas Images that archives all of his photographic projects.
Salgado’s work continues to be influential throughout the world. He exhibits regularly at galleries around the world and tours exhibitions showcasing his life’s work. His contributions will continue to inspire future generations who seek to bring awareness to social issues facing humanity through documentary photography.