The photograph titled “Sonia Delaunay,” taken by artist Lothar Wolleh, was captured in Paris in the year 1978. It features the subject sitting in a contemplative pose in a stark white room with minimal furnishings.
The black and white image depicts an older woman sitting on a simple chair positioned to the left of the frame, with her left arm resting on the back of the chair. She is dressed in a dark outfit comprised of what appears to be a jacket and skirt, which contrasts with the bright, clinical white ambiance of the room. Her expression is pensive and relaxed, and she seems to be looking off to her left, beyond the camera.
In the background, the room extends into what seems like a corridor or adjoining room where a door is slightly ajar. The white walls and panels, with their clean lines and angular forms, contribute to the geometric composition of the image, drawing attention to the subject’s central position within this modern, almost abstract, space.