André Kertész is a renowned Hungarian-born American photographer who is widely recognized for his photographs of everyday life. Known for his unorthodox camera angles and style, Kertész’s pictures were initially not well received in the early years of his career. However, he became a trailblazer in photographic composition and the photo essay, garnering recognition for his groundbreaking contributions.
Kertész was an important figure at Conde Nast where he worked to elevate House and Garden Magazine alongside Alexander Liberman. His work began to gain more recognition as fine art photography after he retired from commercial work in 1962. Kertész was known for capturing the poetry of modern urban life with its quiet but often overlooked incidents and peculiar juxtapositions.
Kertész’s lyrical and formally rigorous images remain an essential influence on photography as both journalism and art. He is considered one of the most notable photographers of the twentieth century, continuing to inspire present-day photographers with their unique vision. With a vast array of works that aimed to capture everyday beauty in unexpected ways, Andre Kertesz remains an enduring figure in photographic history up until today.