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Browse All Photographs on Masters of Photography
Chicago by Harry Callahan (c. 1948)
John Henning and Female Audience by Hill & Adamson (c. 1844)
Cape Horn near Celilo by Carleton Watkins (1867)
Untitled by W. Eugene Smith
At Tuktoyaktuk, Northwest Territory, Canada by Margaret Bourke-White (1937)
Savage-Cage, Virginia City by Timothy O’Sullivan (1867)
On the Embankment by Alvin Langdon Coburn (1905)
New York by Garry Winogrand (1961)
Lovers in a Bistro by Brassai (1932-33)
East End girl, doing the Lambeth Walk by Bill Brandt (c. 1936)
Refugees in the Korem camp by Sebastiao Salgado (1984)
Self-Portrait by Paul Outerbridge (1927)
The Catacombs by Nadar (1861-62)
Untitled by Paul Strand (1916)
At Sammy’s by Lisette Model (1940-44)
Masons working on a carved Griffin for the Scott Monument by Hill & Adamson (c. 1844)
DePeyster Statue, Bowling Green by Berenice Abbott (c. 1935-39)
Julia Jackson by Julia Margaret Cameron (1867)
Minarets, Evening Clouds, California by Ansel Adams (c. 1937)
Self-Portrait by Robert Mapplethorpe (1980)
Nazi Storm Troopers’ training class by Margaret Bourke-White (1938)
Woman Smiling by Roy DeCarava (1952)
Playground in Mill Village by Lewis Hine (1909)
City Lunch Counter by Walker Evans (1929)
Ireland by Josef Koudelka (1972)
Man coming up subway stairs by Roy DeCarava (1952)
Datura by Imogen Cunningham
Ajitto by Robert Mapplethorpe (1981)
Edith, Danville, Virginia by Emmet Gowin (1970)
Man from Papantla by Manuel Alvarez Bravo (1934)
Handicapped – Crippled Steelworker by Lewis Hine ( c. 1908-1909)
Triumph of the Egg by Paul Outerbridge (1932)
Hoe Culture, by Dorothea Lange
Memphis, Tennessee by William Eggleston
Bill Walker by Gordon Parks (1943)
Blind by Paul Strand (1916)
Adiantum pedatum by Karl Blossfeldt
Spring Showers, New York by Alfred Stieglitz (1902)
Wearing sheepskin to protect from cold and humidity by Sebastiao Salgado (1982)
Memphis, Tennessee by William Eggleston
The Game Keeper by William Henry Fox Talbot (c. 1843)
The Double Bridge on the Machno by Roger Fenton (1857)
Sidelong glance by Robert Doisneau (1948)
Untitled (Christopher, twice) by Ralph Eugene Meatyard (1959)
Courtyard Scene by William Henry Fox Talbot (c. 1844)
W. B. Yeats by Alvin Langdon Coburn (1908)
France by Josef Koudelka (1974)
Feeding the Ducks in the Late Afternoon, Tisza Szalka by Andre Kertesz (1924)
Descending stairs and turning around by Eadweard Muybridge (1884-85)
Images de Deauville by Paul Outerbridge (c. 1936)
Elevator Garage by John Gutmann (1936)
New Mexico by Garry Winogrand (1957)
Clearing Winter Storm, by Ansel Adams
Migrant Mother; by Dorothea Lange
Hugh Miller by Hill & Adamson (1843-47)
Untitled by Jerry Uelsmann (1969)
Parlourmaid at a window in Kensington by Bill Brandt (1931-35)
Dwight D. Eisenhower by Yousuf Karsh (1946)
Flatiron Building by Alfred Stieglitz (1903)
Forsythia suspensa by Karl Blossfeldt
Pantheon by William Henry Fox Talbot (1843)
Coast View Number One by Carleton Watkins (1863)
My Hydroglider with Propeller by Jacques-Henri Lartigue (1904)
Aristolochia clematitis by Karl Blossfeldt
Fallen Man, Paris, France by Joel Meyerowitz (1967)
New York by Helen Levitt (c. 1940)
Strange Visitors by John Gutmann (1934)
The Reverend Thomas Henshaw Jones by Hill & Adamson (1843)
Evening in Kenwood by Bill Brandt (1931-35)
Detroit by Harry Callahan (1943)
Untitled Film Still #13 by Cindy Sherman (1978)
The Fallen Horse by Robert Doisneau (1942)
Edith and Ruth, Danville, Virginia by Emmet Gowin (1966)
Striking Worker, Assassinated by Manuel Alvarez Bravo (1934)
Impatiens glandulifera by Karl Blossfeldt
Group of Italians at Ellis Island by Lewis Hine ( c. 1905)
Couple at Coney Island, New York by Walker Evans (1928)
External walls of the Kremlin, Moscow by Roger Fenton (1852)
Sadness by Julia Margaret Cameron (1864)
Flowers, Leaves, and Stem by William Henry Fox Talbot (c. 1838)
Sunday morning in Arcueil by Robert Doisneau (1945)
A Strange Situation by Clarence John Laughlin (1938)
Untitled, Denver by Robert Adams (1970-74)
Fiddler on The Roof by Max Waldman
Memphis by William Eggleston (c. 1969-70)
Grizzly Giant, Mariposa Grove, 33 ft. Diam. by Carleton Watkins (1861)
Joueur d’orgue by Eugene Atget (1898-99)
Nevada Fall, by Ansel Adams
Woman by Lothar Wolleh (1966)
Bistro at Arcueil by Robert Doisneau (1945)
Succulent by Imogen Cunningham (c. 1920s)
Solar Photo-Micrograph, Transverse Section Stem by William Henry Fox Talbot (1839)
U.S. Route 10, Post Falls, Idaho by Stephen Shore (1974)
Red Brick Wall by Arnold Newman (1948)
City Hall Park by Paul Strand
Ide Collar by Paul Outerbridge (1922)
Window in Osborn Street by Bill Brandt (1931-35)
New York by Helen Levitt (c. 1940)
Flor de manita by Tina Modotti (c. 1925)
Presidio, Texas by Stephen Shore (1975)
Tina Reciting by Edward Weston (1924)
A Harvest of Death, by Timothy O’Sullivan
Nancy by Emmet Gowin
Warehouse Area, San Francisco by Minor White (1949)
Doré by Nadar (1854)
Untitled by E. J. Bellocq (c. 1912)
Unlike Rectangles by Clarence John Laughlin (1937)
Agave Design 2 by Imogen Cunningham (c. 1920)
White Angel Bread Line by Dorothea Lange (1932)
Tri-Boro Barber School, 264 Bowery by Berenice Abbott (c. 1935-39)
Group of Confederate Prisoners by Timothy O’Sullivan
Yasuo Kuniyoshi by Arnold Newman (1941)
Church and Second Streets, Easton, Pennsylvania by Stephen Shore (1974)
Untitled Film Still #7 by Cindy Sherman (1978)
Ascending Stairs by Eadweard Muybridge (1884-85)
The ZYX 24 takes off, Rouzat by Jacques-Henri Lartigue (1910)
Winter on Fifth Avenue, New York by Alfred Stieglitz (1893)
Untitled by Jerry Uelsmann (1965)
Torso of Neil by Edward Weston (1925)
Striking a blow with right hand by Eadweard Muybridge (1884-85)
Five Cents Lodging, Bayard Street by Jacob Riis (c. 1889)
The Living Theatre: An Improvisation on Paradise Now by Max Waldman
Arizona Landscape by Frederick Sommer (1943)
France by Josef Koudelka (1973)
Rochester by Minor White (1954)
St Patrick’s Day, Fifth Avenue by William Klein (1954-55)
Grand Canyon by Joel Meyerowitz (1973)
Besieging Wilderness, Number Two by Clarence John Laughlin (1938)
The Gould and Curry Mill, by Timothy O’Sullivan
Possessed by the Past by Clarence John Laughlin (1939)
Small Woods Where I Met Myself by Jerry Uelsmann (1967)
Street Drawing by Helen Levitt (1940)
Zissou, Rouzat by Jacques-Henri Lartigue (1911)
Henri Matisse and “The Serpentine” by Edward Steichen (c. 1909)
El at Columbus Avenue and Broadway by Berenice Abbott (c. 1935-39)
Dionysus in 69 by Max Waldman
A Black-and-Tan Dive in “Africa” by Jacob Riis (c. 1890)
Frida Kahlo in Manuel Alvarez Bravo’s Studio by Manuel Alvarez Bravo (1930s)
Canyon: Broadway and Exchange Place by Berenice Abbott (c. 1935-39)
Campesinos by Tina Modotti (1926)
Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade, Broadway by William Klein (1954-55)
St Patrick’s Day, Fifth Avenue by William Klein (1954-55)
General Dwight D. Eisenhower by Arnold Newman (1950)
Portrait of the Eternal by Manuel Alvarez Bravo (1935)
Woman with olla by Tina Modotti (1926)
Excusado by Edward Weston (1925)
Man Jumping Off Bridge by Joel Meyerowitz
The Steerage by Alfred Stieglitz (1907)
Sebastopol from Cathcart’s Hill by Roger Fenton (1855)
Haile Selassie by Arnold Newman (1958)
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