King and Queen of a Senior Citizens Dance, N.Y.C. by Diane Arbus (1970)

The photograph titled “King and Queen of a Senior Citizens Dance, N.Y.C.” was captured by the artist Diane Arbus in the year 1970. This black-and-white image portrays an elderly man and woman dressed in regal attire, seated next to each other against a plain backdrop. They are evidently adorned to represent a king and queen, with the man on the right wearing a crown and holding a scepter, and the woman on the left donning a tiara and holding a small purse. Both are cloaked in capes with leopard-print trim, and their expressions carry a sense of solemn dignity. The image effectively captures the juxtaposition of the grandeur in their costumes against the everyday reality hinted at by the plain surroundings and their aged appearances.

Other Photographs from Diane Arbus

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